
This website is still needing of upgrades and updates , currently mostly of items are off-sale or unavaiable 


Dragon slayer model made in blender (by andres600_79)


The sword is well made except that it has 1 vertice wrong but it still good and depending of device gpu , ram... you can see it quickly or laggy due to the shader (if using shape and the pic is way too pixelated but the model is good quality)

Bypassed audios / kill sound / songs/...


This txt file contains a very big amount of codes , it has been reviewed for 2 years to check if audios are banned and only 4 of them is banned but it has bypassed decals and audios and it has it's own title abt what the sound is but sadly some of them are in english and most of them in spanish.

Bypassed decals + extra pack of other bypassed decals


This one has way worse decals and ofc it may not last too much


Here you can buy things such as txt file with ID's , bypassed decals/audios and models so you can make your own game or else (Give credits if using a model guideline 9)




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